Thursday, 27 December 2007


Christmas Day 2007
A Transformer crashed the party at dinner!

The whoopee Cushion proved to entertain the kids at dinner!

The boys battle it out for the Singstar Champion 2007
From the sitting room I thought the cats choir had arrived!

Lewis must have been a really good boy all year?

This is the best bit!!


Sunday, 4 November 2007

Hi Viewers!
This is my first attempt at Blog!
This is how the kitchen is now looking, been a long time for us as it still isn't finished!
Little still to do but we have been let down with the supplies and with the new job I haven't had the same time to dedicate to DIY!
We will be done before Christmas though!
Will add updates now as we go.

This is the new access through to the ulility room, where the breakfast bar was situated!

The ulitily room now!